Friday, April 18, 2008

Widen Blogger post editor window with Opera web browser

Update 2.20am 19 April 2008: Please note that the ability to widen the normal pathetically tiny Blogger post editor window is not always repeatable. Sometimes, I can do it, sometimes not. I have seen it a few times but this is the first time I made a post about it with a screen shot and that screen shot is definitely not faked with Adobe Photoshop for this poor Blog*Star only use the free and very good Irfanview plus PC Paint which comes with Windows. This poor Blog*Star cannot afford to buy the expensive Photoshop. Anyone who wants something better than the free Irfanview photo editor can try the open source GIMP. Update posted here to avoid Blog*Star from being called a nut case.

This Blogger post editor window is opened with Opera web browser which as you can see is very wide compared with the woefully tiny normal Blogger post editor window. Unfortunately you cannot consistently get this and it is by chance. Under what circumstances you can get this, I do not know. Nor can I tell under what circumstances I can Expand (that is, both widen as well as elongate) this woefully tiny Blogger post editor window with Netscape Navigator. But to make sure other bloggers do not call me a nut case, I am going to do a screen shot of this as I am preparing this post and will upload it any use it as evidence below (you can click on screen shot to enlarge it). (PS got to publish and try to update later as Blogger post editor toolbar with the photo upload icon is missing as I am typing this):

wide Blogger post editor window with Opera web browser

And if you think that this blogger belongs to psychiatry ward, you can view the screen shots of the Expanded Blogger post editor window with Netscape Navigator. However, this also you cannot do consistently. Sometimes, you can only elongate, not widen the Blogger post editor window with Netscape Navigator.

Unfortunately AOL (American Online) has withdrawn support for Netscape Navigator and it looks like no one is going to take AOL's place as the sugar daddy.

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